Payment information:
Please always make sure that you send payments in Czech crowns to the Czech bank account and payments in Euros to the bank account in Euros.
Account number in Czech crowns: 2702464861/2010, IBAN: CZ6720100000002702464861, BIC: FIOBCZPPXXX, Bank address: Fio banka, a.s., V celnici 1028/10, 11000, Prague, Account holder: Eliška Devátá
Account number in Euros: 2002464879/2010, IBAN: CZ4920100000002002464879 BIC: FIOBCZPPXXX Bank address: Fio banka, a.s., V celnici 1028/10, 11000, Prague, Account holder: Eliška Devátá
The confirmation of the payment will be sent after the money will be accepted by my bank.
Thank you.
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Contact us
Eliška Devátá, MA.
Hlavní 38 Senice, 29001
Phone number:
00420737896434 (Please, before the first call, first write a text message and introduce yourself - who you are and why you are contacting me. Unfortunately, I have started receiving calls from several inappropriate or harassing callers, and for this reason I do not receive calls from callers who are not in my address book.)